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Novel SOX10 indel mutations drive schwannomas through impaired transactivation of myelination gene programs

Neuro Oncol. 2023-12; 
Erik A Williams, Ajay Ravindranathan, Rohit Gupta, Nicholas O Stevers, Abigail K Suwala, Chibo Hong, Somang Kim, Jimmy Bo Yuan, Jasper Wu, Jairo Barreto, Calixto-Hope G Lucas, Emily Chan, Melike Pekmezci, Philip E LeBoit, Thaddeus Mully, Arie Perry, Andrew Bollen, Jessica Van Ziffle, W Patrick Devine, Alyssa T Reddy, Nalin Gupta, Kristen M Basnet, Robert J B Macaulay, Patrick Malafronte, Han Lee, William H Yong, Kevin Jon Williams, Tareq A Juratli, Douglas A Mata, Richard S P Huang, Matthew C Hiemenz, Dean C Pavlick, Garrett M Frampton, Tyler Janovitz, Jeffrey S Ross, Susan M Chang, Mitchel S Berger, Line Jacques, Jun S Song, Joseph F Costello, David A Solomon
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Proteins, Expression, Isolation and Analysis … 5ʹ BamH1 and 3ʹ EcoR1 restriction sites was synthesized by GenScript and cloned into the pCDF1-MCS2-EF1Puro lentiviral expression vector (System Biosciences). Two insertion … Get A Quote


background: Schwannomas are common peripheral nerve sheath tumors that can cause severe morbidity given their stereotypic intracranial and paraspinal locations. Similar to many solid tumors, schwannomas and other nerve sheath tumors are primarily thought to arise due to aberrant hyperactivation of the RAS growth factor signaling pathway. Here, we sought to further define the molecular pathogenesis of schwannomas. methods: We performed comprehensive genomic profiling on a cohort of 96 human schwannomas, as well as DNA methylation profiling on a subset. Functional studies including RNA sequencing, chromatin immunoprecipitation-DNA sequencing, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and luciferase reporter assays we... More


PMP2, SOX10, Schwann cell, myelination, schwannoma